Archivio articoli

Meaning of Life and Synchronicity

24.03.2013 09:58
With simple philosophical reflections, we can come to understand in a realistic way many of those great mysteries that are important to understand, but that cause limits of science and ordinary experience... are classified as unexplained supernatural events. Fortunately, for some time, you can...

Sogni premonitori

15.03.2013 20:49
Sempre... quando mi addormento...  perdo la nozione del tempo,  di conseguenza... abbastanza spesso...  mi sveglio prima d'essermi addormentato,  poi... prima di discernere...  in quale mondo sono caduto,  nel dormiveglia... si...

Padrone del Caos

15.03.2013 19:53
L'Uomo Lento vive nel Mondo Lento, ma... ha riflessi rapidi! Può reagire all'istante, ma... in questo mondo appare lentissimo. . Ha già... ma tu non sai di cosa sto parlando! L'Uomo Lento sta all'Uomo Effimero come un individuo sta ad una sua cellula. . L'Uomo Lento è l'umanizzato...

Collective madness

19.02.2013 23:22
If you see that ... everyone around you ... run to jump in the river, not imitate them! Do not be a conformist! Have the courage to show a bit of cowardice! Dares to take a step back! While you will be pitied and laughed at ... from a drowning man, no offense! But .. hold out your hand ... who...

The essence of being

19.02.2013 23:14
If the present moment ... is comparable to an infinitesimal point ... then ... all future single emergent moments ... limited to the immediate next ... correspond to distinct infinitesimal points ... constituents unimaginable spherical surface ... concentric ... the instantaneous ... point ......

A pope and the King of Truth

19.02.2013 21:34
In a dream or... in a parallel universe ... a pope asked the advice of a king of truth. (He was tired of apologizing for the mistakes of its predecessors) He said, "I do not want that future popes must apologize for my actions!" . The King of Truth said: "I do not think I can help. I'm too honest,...

How bad are the good

19.02.2013 21:25
Who will be ... very good, honest, and upright, above all, morally blameless, will have the great spiritual satisfaction to feel proud custodian of admirable virtue, so as to build up with uncontrollable greed a huge share of acclaim, recognition and esteem. But .. if you do not want to crawl in...

Virtual leader of the pack

19.02.2013 21:21
The Beastlord of each flock flock- has very little physical but alive and conscious; is a virtual entity. His wandering cells form human tribes. He decides the fate of the media. Evolves slowly, between mode, Common Sense, and Religion. Does not communicate what they perceive. Words and attitudes...

Don't think!

19.02.2013 21:17
The mind will of the large herd-flock ... with common sense ... dominates your thoughts, and ... thoughts ... I am too rational! feelings on maximum ... you do not need to think. If just outcomes ... Already defeatist. Nothing happens by chance. The reason is prison ... the feeling is life! If...

Premonitory dreams

19.02.2013 21:09
Always ... when I fall asleep ... I lose track of time, consequently ... quite often ... I wake up before I fell asleep, then ... before discern ... the world in which they fell, in his sleep ... dilute ... sharp memories ... by a random future ready to disappear ... apparently forgotten. Ma .. not...
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