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Il blog del filosofo e poeta Monticelli

25.10.2013 00:29
Aprile 2008 - Articolo apparso su MILANOSUD:

Aldo Monticelli, il poeta ambulante

24.10.2013 01:26 Inchiesta Milano dossier La Darsena di Milano Poesie a 80 centesimi. Scritte fitte, su piccoli foglietti fotocopiati. Non si acquistano nei negozi, ma agli angoli delle strade, o in metropolitana, sui tram....

Fortuna e Futuro: Come ricaricarsi e come funziona

07.09.2013 09:34
CHI SONO: Il mio nome è Aldo Monticelli. Sono un filosofo blogger utopista, già poetafilosofo di strada e ben conosciuto ai Navigli di Milano per aver dedicato molti anni alla distribuzione dei miei foglietti filosofici e per aver cercato e trovato risposte a grandi domande. Sincronicità: COME...

Meaning of Life and Synchronicity

30.04.2013 21:05
With the method of induction it is possible to come to understand in reasonable way many of that great mysteries that we would want to understand, but that the limits of the Science and the experience have classified as inexplicable supernatural events. Luckily many observable vital cycles are...

Synchronic providence

24.04.2013 22:00
Nothing happens by chance? From ancient times until today, this idea has been frequently supported in everyday experience of many people. Among the reports of mystic interactions handed down from ancient times, it strengthened the myth of the goddess Fortuna, thanks to the sixth king of Rome:...

Worldwide Wisdom Revolution by Web?

19.04.2013 15:25
From ages ago to the present, many dispensers of wisdom have come and gone without changing their simple way of life, whose main ambition has always been "the knowledge in the Truth" for placing this among the last in the social hierarchy. Wisdom is very important because it can affect the lives of...

Mysticism and Wisdom: the connection

19.04.2013 15:21
In every place of the planet, scattered among all nations and cultures, in all ages, the characters stand out strikingly similar in bringing itself a coincidental combination of mysticism and wisdom. The rarefied distribution while, in all times and places, these "Immortals in Consciousness" and...

Global Wisdom now!

19.04.2013 15:17
After years of road, on Christmas Day 2007 I created my first blog. Then, one after the other I created other web spaces, believing that the only visibility in search engines could be enough to trigger a global interest for Philosophy. The utopian vision of a "Global Wisdom" seemed accessible. I...

Mystic Philosophy

19.04.2013 15:14
By definition, Wisdom serves the purpose to bring good luck to themselves and to the community of which it is part. Bring luck to yourself to figure things follows with enough humility to accept even the truth as well as unwelcome useful, uninfluenced by emotions induced by so...

Quanto son cattivi i buoni

25.03.2013 08:06
Chi sarà... molto buono, probo, e integerrimo, sopratutto, moralmente irreprensibile, avrà la grande soddisfazione spirituale di sentirsi fiero depositario di ammirevoli virtù, così da accumulare con incontenibile avidità un enorme capitale di consensi, riconoscimenti e...
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